Pity The Banks

sad_bankerIn my imagination, traditional banking used to be the best business. You’d get to close up shop at 3pm on a Friday. This, despite the fact that bank customers get paychecks on Fridays. Sorry folks, we’re closed because we have to have our people inside the vault, counting all that sweet, sweet, money.

Lately, however, I wonder whether banks are going the way of the buggy whip business. I know it’s fashionable to bash banks, but I think that’s insensitive.

It’s not easy being a bank these days.

So much disintermediation is happening, at an accelerating pace, that the inside of a senior management meeting of a traditional bank must feel like the last hours at The Alamo. How will any of them survive these attacks from all sides?

So many banks

Meanwhile, the traditional US banking industry doesn’t act like it’s doomed. Or at least, the market has not caught up to my fears.

Approximately 6,800 FDIC-insured banks provide for our financial needs in this country – in addition to another 6,000 federally-insured credit unions. That’s one bank for 47,000 people (or one for every 25,000 people if you count credit unions.) By way of comparison, Canada has 29 banks for a population of 35 million, or one bank for every 1.2 million people.

We have 25 times as many banks per capita as Canada. That’s just weird, because banks hardly do anything essential anymore. At the same time, Silicon Valley ‘fintech’ firms keep popping up. Little by little they’re pecking away at traditional bank services, wringing out any remaining inefficiencies.

What’s left for the banking industry that they still do better than anyone else? I can only think of one essential thing my bank does for me, and one other thing banks do for local economies. I’ll mention those at the end of this post. But it’s slim pickings overall in terms of business opportunities.

Have you started to feel bad for them yet?

I’ll review the five things that ceased being business opportunities for banks.

Growing Wealth

I learned the following from watching Mary Poppins with my girls multiple times. About a century ago, you used to be able to put your tuppence into the bank, which would then offer a reasonable rate of interest, which would then compound your money over time, to help you get wealthy.[1]

But the last century’s rise of easily accessible stocks and mutual funds, combined with more recent low interest rates, plus a slew of fintech investing solutions, all combine to make your bank a poor choice indeed for growing your money.

Personal loans

Nope. They’re gone. Since the 1980s, credit cards have taken care of that need, lending $10 to $30,000 at between 0 and 30 percent interest. Five banks, plus American Express and Discover, constitute 75% of the US credit card business.

Auto loans and mortgages

Nope, that also went away in the 1980s. I mean, you can go to your bank to underwrite these, and they can earn origination fees to do a mortgage, but banks don’t generally keep these loans on their books. Auto loans and mortgages get fed into the Wall Street sausage-making machine known as securitization, and banks aren’t really essential to the chain anymore. Auto-finance companies obviously take a big chunk of the auto business as well. Meanwhile, fintech startups like Lendinghome.com and Rocket push into home loans.

Student Loans

The federal government now guarantees more than eighty percent of the student loan market, rendering low rates for borrowers, but less opportunity for banks to set terms. That trend likely will not reverse soon for this $1 Trillion-plus loan market. Fintech startups like Earnest.com or Credible.com now seek to pick up the slack on student loan consolidation, further disrupting banks’ chances of making a buck.

Business Loans

Banks have never really been in the startup funding business, but formerly had a good shot at funding more mature local businesses. Now online lenders like Prosper and Lending Club, and a slew of smaller imitators – whether crowd-sourced or privately financed – can deliver a faster, possibly more competitive loan than a local bank. Relaxed rules for equity investments – still developing this year make banks even less useful to small businesses in need of capital.

The one bank function

These days I only really depend on my bank for one function, which is to take any of my leftover cash and safely hide it from both myself (so I don’t lost track of it) and from others (so they don’t steal it), and then have that cash be available to me immediately (like, tomorrow!) or any day I choose, with no risk of it disappearing overnight. Admittedly, that’s an important function, and I don’t have a reliable alternative right now.

grumpy_banking_catBut man-oh-man if somebody can figure out how to do that function – maybe through a combination of nanotechnology, blockchain software, and laser-beams – I am gone, baby, gone from my bank.

Commercial Real Estate

For local economies, banks also still play the essential function of financing commercial real estate development. A bank’s commercial real estate underwriter who knows the local development scene can still carve out an important function that’s difficult to disintermediate, or securitize on Wall Street, or undercut from Silicon Valley.

But commercial real estate is about all they have. Is that enough to support 6,800 banks in this country? My magic eight-ball says the outlook is: Doubtful.

I Have a Dream

Having written all that, I still fantasize about owning my own bank. Not as a profitable business, mind you, but just as a thing to have. Friday afternoon parties in The Vault, with all the cool kids, after the 3pm close? Then we turn that powerful floor fan on High Blast to simulate a magic money machine?

That would be so awesome. Once I own my bank, you’re all invited.


A version of this post appeared in the San Antonio Express News.

See other Related Posts

Why You Hate Your Bank

Why You Hate Your Bank, Again



[1] Don’t forget “Majestic, self-amortizing canals!” “The Ships! Tell Them About the Ships!” “You can purchase first and second trust deeds. Think of the foreclosures! Bonds, Chattels, Dividends! Shares, Bankruptcies, Debtor Sales, Opportunities!” Dick Van Dyke and cronies describe my old business in vivid detail.

Post read (255) times.

More on Subprime Lending Policies from the Feds

Editor’s Note: A (shorter and less conversational) version of this post appeared earlier today in the San Antonio Express News.

hud sealAn official from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) responded last week to disagree with my article two weeks ago in which I claimed that Secretary Julian Castro supported subprime lending, in his speech about HUD priorities September 16th.

We had a lovely chat.

What Castro said

What Castro actually said in his speech is the following:

“According to the Urban Institute, the average credit score for loans sold to GSEs [*which stands for ‘government sponsored entities,’ shorthand for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Federal home loan banks] this year is roughly 750. Currently, there are 13 million people with credit scores ranging from 580 to 680. Many of them are ready to own, but are being left out in the cold. The truth is that the dream of homeownership is out of reach for too many Americans. This has to change.”

I interpreted ‘this has to change’ to mean he advocated greater subprime lending. Castro specifically included credit scores that meet the ‘subprime’ definition, even though he did not use the phrase ‘subprime lending,’ probably because after the 2008 crisis ‘subprime‘ became a dirty word.

Definition of subprime

Banks sort mortgage borrowers according to their FICO scores, a personal-credit score based on past borrower behavior.

A 720 score and above is considered “Prime.” A 680 FICO and below is considered “Subprime.” To fill out the middle part of the scale, a 680 to 720 score is generally considered “Alt-A,” an in-between designation of credit worthiness.

Reasonable people can quibble on the exact FICO boundaries between Prime, Alt-A, and Sub-Prime, and banks can make their own determinations of the ranges for their own lending purposes, but 680 and 720 are the traditional boundaries separating the three segments of the mortgage market.

To make the definition completely clear: If you have a 680 FICO or below, to name one FICO score Castro mentioned in his speech, you have a history of not paying some of your debts on time. If you have a FICO score closer to 580, to name the other score Castro mentioned, you have a history of not paying most of your debts on time.

There’s no other way to have a 580 to 680 FICO than to have missed debt payments.

This doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. Nor does it mean you should never own a home. It just means that your past payment behavior suggests elevated future risks of not being able pay for your debts, such as a mortgage.

Most importantly, with a FICO of 680 or below, you will only qualify for a subprime mortgage from your bank.

So that’s why I think I made the reasonable inference from Castro’s speech that “This has to change” indicated a government preference for more subprime lending.

“Fair Access”

The HUD official did not agree with my description.

When I pointed out to the HUD official that historically 20% of subprime borrowers get into payment trouble on their mortgages, the official said I should focus instead on the 80% of borrowers who do not get into trouble, the ones who pay their mortgages on time.


Shouldn’t those 80%, he argued with me, have ‘fair access’ to the dream of homeownership?

Yes, of course. Nobody could ever disagree that people should have ‘fair access.’

He argued with me that the point of HUD policy is to ‘remove the barriers’ to the 80% of borrowers with bad credit who will pay their mortgages on time.

Removing barriers also seems great to me.

The much more difficult task is to figure out what ‘fair’ means, and what ‘access’ means. And what are the lending barriers that HUD wants to remove when it comes to borrowers with FICO scores below 680?

I would argue, and I did to Castro’s colleague at HUD, that the focus on positive outcomes for the 80 percent of subprime borrowers who pay their mortgage on time kind of finesses the point, by shifting the conversation away from the other 20 percent who will not be able to pay their mortgage.

And, in my opinion, the point is whether federal government policy should put its thumb on the scale to increase access to a market in which 20 percent of borrowers could lose their home due to non-payment on their mortgage.

In the end, however, I should not have worried too much because I don’t think the policies advocated by Castro will do much.

Actual Policy

House in Hand

It turns out, according to both the official and the follow-up materials his office sent me, that what Castro and HUD mean by “this has to change” is something pretty mild.

They mean a three-part program of
1. Encouraging borrower counseling
2. Clarifying lending standards (with an updated FHA Handbook!)
3. Analyzing additional data on mortgage lenders and sample mortgages

That all seems reasonable. In addition, this isn’t going to open the floodgates to increased subprime lending anytime soon.

Which leads to an interesting – albeit convoluted – ‘lets-agree-to-disagree’ point between myself and the HUD official.

Whereas I don’t think HUD should encourage more subprime borrowing and he does, I don’t think the federal government’s policies will have much effect, and he does.

So we’re both happy. I guess?

We all do this

Let me shift away from using the words “Castro” and “HUD” and “Federal Government” now to make this less personal, and frankly so it doesn’t seem like I’m politically attacking San Antonio’s golden child.

I’m going to make the decision-maker in the following sentences simply “We.”

Because I think we all do this.

As a society we are in the habit of wanting two contradictory things at the same time when it comes to banking policy, even though they are somewhat incompatible with each other.

For equality-of-access reasons we want banks to lend to more people, especially the neediest people, despite the fact that such lending is historically quite risky for both the bank and the borrower. The borrower, who we want to help, can wind up without a home, in bankruptcy, and with further wrecked credit. Banks can lose money, which – when this happens systemically – can crater an economy, as happened in 2008. In these indirect ways, therefore, increased subprime lending is quite risky for society.

subprime mortgagesAt the same time – or shortly thereafter, when 20% of these mortgage loans go bad, as expected – we want to punish banks for lending to the neediest people, “when the banks should have known better,” or when a loan to a needy person ends up looking predatory because either the rate is very high, or the collateral (the home) was seized in foreclosure, or both.

So we can all want these contradictory things at the same time, but I think we can also acknowledge that it’s all kind of hypocritical, no?


Please see related posts:

HUD Policy – The Good And Bad So Far

Mortgages Part VIII – The Cause of the 2008 Crisis

Mortgages Part V – Good Debt or Dangerous Drug?

Book Review of Edward Conard’s Unintended Consequences

Audio Interview Podcast – Mortgage Originator Explains the Crisis


Post read (19075) times.

Square’s Small Business Lending – Innovative?

square_capital_lending_to_small_businessA friend sent me a link this morning to an article about Square Capital’s small business cash advance business. The credit card processing company Square claims to use credit card receipts data to prompt it to advance money – within as quickly as 24 hours from the request – to existing small business customers, even before they ask.

My first reaction, of course, is that we should beware banks bearing gifts of “easy, fast” money. That’s the style of pay-day lenders and its never a good thing. I have received more than my fair share of business credit card solicitations in the mail, with high interest and hidden fees, to remain skeptical of this kind of innovation.

On the other hand, Square Capital’s money seemingly comes with

1. A 10% fixed fee (high, but a reasonable annual rate when it comes to small businesses);

2. Flexible payment terms. Merchants are expected to pay on their own time frame, out of ongoing credit card receivables;

3. No paperwork or waiting, which is pretty rare in the small business lending space.

For a certain type of high-growth small business customer, I can imagine the appeal of the Square Capital offer.

Although the article in Wired emphasizes the innovative aspect of Square’s use of Big Data to identify potential customers for their cash advance, the core of what they’re doing is really a version of “factoring,” the oldest type of commercial lending in the world. Instead of purchasing future receivables at a discount, Square will simply ‘factor’ the receivables by charging an extra 10% fee on top of the amount of repayment. While traditional factoring, or nouveau factoring like Square Capital isn’t particularly new, it can fill business’ need for fast money at a time of high growth.

Small businesses without deep pockets often have few choices about where to raise capital.

There’s the most expensive way: Selling equity to friends and relatives.

Then there’s the next most expensive way: High-interest credit card debt.

And then there’s the least expensive, but slow way: Apply for, and receive, a traditional bank loan.  This rarely works.

I have claimed in the past (and still basically believe) that, despite their rhetoric, the vast majority of banks are not in the small business lending business at all.  Banks would prefer to lend against real estate or cars because both types of loans can be offloaded from their balance sheet through securitization. All other types of loans have been effectively replaced by personal or business credit cards.

To the extent Square Capital can update an old lending model – factoring – with a new data-rich approach to get small businesses money quickly, the innovation sounds worth knowing about.


Post read (3160) times.

Why You Hate Your Bank

whats in your walletWarning:  This is a story about customer service in the banking industry, so reader discretion is advised.  Do not read if you are prone to high blood pressure.  Also, this is not an apocryphal story.  This actually happened to me this week.[1]

The Background to the Problem

One of my businesses became inactive last year, so at the end of the year I closed out my checking account for that LLC with Capital One.  This Spring I filed articles of dissolution with the Delaware Secretary of State (where the LLC was created), as well as with the Texas Secretary of State (where I was doing business.)

Also this Spring I received a statement from an old $25,000 Capital One Line of Credit affiliated with this business entity.  It showed a $0.02 balance owed, a mistaken leftover from the last time I used the line, probably about two years ago.  A few months back I tried to close the line in person at the branch but the branch manager said they didn’t handle business lines of credit there, and she gave me a number to call to sort it out with Capital One customer service, over the phone.  So far, so good.

Two Pennies

I’m enough of a detail-oriented person when it comes to my businesses that I decided to get in touch with the bank and definitively close out the line of credit.

Two cents is silly, and the result of a bank error from a few years back, but it was a loose thread that I needed to tie off, and anyway it’s probably not a good idea to have open lines of credit that I’ll never use, especially since I had dissolved the business.

Also, I’m a Mary Poppins fan, and a finance-guy, so how can I not appreciate the ironic, iconic importance of two pennies (Tuppence), when it comes to banking stability?

Like I said, I had visited my bank branch to close the account, but the manager told me to call customer service.  Evidently Dick Van Dyke was not available at that time.

The Tragedy of Antigone

I called the customer service telephone number at Capital One provided by my branch manager. After receiving an automated voice menu in which “close my line of credit account” was never an option – on the second time through the automated voice menu, I think I pressed ‘1’ for loan account balance – and  reached a human. 

On her request I gave my first and last name and account number and explained that I needed to close my line of credit.

“Please hold for someone who can help.” Click.

Okay…another two minutes pass.

“Hello, this is Antigone for Capital One, can I have your first and last name and account number?”

Of course she can.  Again. Not a problem.

I explain that I would like to close my line of credit associated with one of my business entities which has been inactive for a long time, and that the associated checking account has been closed for months.

This is where the drama begins.

“Uh, do you know you have a balance on the line?  We will not be able to close it.”

“I know that.  It’s 2 cents.  That’s been on there for a couple of years.  After I transferred money from my checking account to pay off the balance, the 2 cents showed up.  Probably a day’s interest accrual or something like that, by mistake.”

“Ok, but the system won’t let me close the account if you have a balance.”

“But it’s a mistake by the bank,” I replied.  “The line always automatically deducted monthly payments from the associated checking account.  I made sure to request a full payoff of the line when I closed the checking account.”

“Ok, but the system won’t let you close the account.  You’ll have to go into the branch to do it.”

“I have another Capital One business checking account, and I have a Capital One credit card, maybe can you take the 2 cents from there?  I’d really like you to have the 2 cents.  I understand this is important.” (Because, again, “Tuppence”)

 “We can’t do that.  You’ll have to go into your local branch.”

“Well, I went to close the account at the branch, but they said they couldn’t close business lines of credit at the bank.  It has to be done over the phone, and this was the number the branch manager gave me.  Maybe you could just check with someone?”

“Ok, could you please hold and I’ll check?”


5 minutes of hold music.  My soul begins to ache.  I can feel the already-advanced process of telomere shortening in my chromosomes accelerate.   Antigone returns.

“I’ve checked with my manager, but there’s really nothing that can be done if you’ve got a balance on that line.”

“I understand.  But you see, the branch says they can’t close it, and now you say you can’t close it.  And I’m afraid if I go back to the branch they’ll say the same thing again.  Could you please just recheck, because we’ve got an insolvable problem.  I’m really trying to get you your two cents, and I really want to keep your records up to date.  But this is beginning to bug me.”

“Ok, let me put you on hold again and call your branch directly to see if I can get them to help you close the account.  What’s the address of your branch?” 

I look it up online and provide her with the correct address.  Then, hold music for another 8 minutes. 

Entire civilizations, like the Whos of Whoville on specks of dust under Horton’s protection, grow, flourish, and perish in the interim.  Red giants become white dwarfs.  And our little blue orb floats alone and unnoticed, two-thirds of the way out on the spiraling Milky Way galaxy.

“Hi, Michael?  I reached the branch, but Cynthia who answered the phone said she couldn’t do it, and the branch manager was in a meeting.  The best thing is probably to just go down there.”

At this point in the call, 18 minutes into my epic quest to close the Tuppence Line, I’ve moved – in my mind – into full-blown unhappy mode. 

The NSA, undoubtedly monitoring this (and every other call we’ve ever made) will have registered a voice-tone recognition alert that the customer on the line, me, is no longer ok with how things are going.  Although I am still calm and mostly even-keeled, the absurdity has become too much.

“Antigone, listen, I’m not upset with you, but can you see how this whole episode really doesn’t work, from a customer service perspective?  Can you get the absurdity of this?  Are you a Mary Poppins fan?  I am.  Do you remember the Tuppence Song with Dick Van Dyke as the old banker?  I understand the importance of 2 cents.  Even though it’s a bank error, I really want to pay it, but I can’t.  You won’t let me.  And even though I’ve now spent 18 minutes trying to help the bank, you won’t let me.  And to leave it unresolved like this is really unsettling.”

I urged Antigone to try to elevate the problem with a manager, and to figure out a way to solve the problem for the customer.[2]  She promised she would “open an inquiry” with a manager and someone would get back to me.  We ended the call.

The Law and the Higher Law

I really don’t blame Antigone.  She remained positive and polite throughout the call, albeit ineffective.  She isn’t the main problem.

Antigone’s stuck in a bank that values ‘the system’ and ‘efficiency’ – whatever that means and at whatever the cost – over human judgment.[3] 

Why do people hate their banks?  We hate banks because we sense, rightly, that banks respond to a single set of laws.  At every turn, bank customers must be treated a certain way, and therefore be reminded that they are subject to non-negotiable societal laws around process, automation, and efficiency as understood by the company.

Sophocles’ character Antigone, of course, argued that a higher law prevailed over traditional societal law.

In classic Greek theater, the name Antigone has become short-hand for loyalty to a higher moral law – the right to honor our dead – over fealty to a flawed societal rule, punishment for challenging the ruler.  I swear I’m not making up Antigone’s name as a customer service rep at Capital One. 

I see in my interactions with her and Capital One this week as encapsulating certain fixed rules of customer service in an extremely anomic corporate world.  I get it that my bank has a ‘system’ rule about closing lines of credit with outstanding balances. 

I don’t expect Capital One’s Antigone to break out of her proscribed role and commit professional suicide, as Sophocles’ Antigone commits bodily suicide, in honor of a higher law.

But for the love of Oedipus’ cursed lineage and Polyneices’ unburied body, can I please get a human being with some power to be reasonable about the higher-order goal of customer service at my bank?  For fuck’s sake.

And now I will start an argument with myself.

The Bishop and the Banker – Is Automation a Tragedy?

James Jones, the Bishop of Liverpool, England – a sometime commentator for the BBC such as in this program on prisons – interviewed me last month for an upcoming program the BBC will call “The Bishop and the Banker.” 

The main thread of his interview query was the following: “By automating[4] the mortgage lending process in the lead-up to the 2008 Crisis (and presumably beyond) did we lose the ‘humanity’ in bank/customer relationships?  And his follow-up point by implication: can we reintroduce ‘essential humanity’ to the mortgage lending process?

My answer to the Bishop was essentially “No.”  Of course, you don’t just say “no” to a Bishop, so I said more than that, but really that sums it up.

No, I don’t think automation is the key culprit of the 2008 Crisis, and therefore ‘reintroducing humanity,’ to the lending relationship is not the key solution.

During the interview I talked about the price of tomatoes, as an analogy for mortgages.  Yes, sometimes modern tomatoes are tasteless cardboard things, but they also come cheaply and affordably.  Few people would choose to pay $9 for tomatoes, which is the price we could probably retail them in bulk if we returned to the labor-intensive ‘humane’ way of growing tomatoes – in our back yards. 

Adam Smith’s point about the division of labor in pin-making still prevails.  Incredible gains come from splitting up the task of producing the pin-head from the pin-body.  Efficiency in human production generally is a good thing, with great customer benefits.  Few people, if they understood all the consequences, want to take out super-expensive mortgages, even if George Bailey of Bailey Building and Loan Association kindly oversees the whole process himself.

What I think the Bishop missed, so I’ll reiterate my initial response to him here, is that the efficiencies of mortgage lending since the early 1980s are totally awesome.  Why?  Because my 2.75% interest rate 15-year mortgage is totally awesome.  And that kind of rate is not at all possible from the ‘humanizing’ Bailey Building and Loan Association.  Without all the efficiencies of this dehumanizing specialization, mortgages right now would probably cost 8-10%.[5] 

This interview came back to my mind this week, however, as I smacked up against the ultimate dehumanizing experience at Capital One Bank.  Am I a hypocrite for believing strongly in the efficiencies of mortgage lending when it benefits me, but railing against dehumanized customer service when I’m on the receiving end?

I would still answer the Bishop the same way, but my heightened blood pressure from Capital One gave me a new chance to reconsider his question.

I still don’t think we should blame 2008 on the dehumanization of mortgage underwriting, although I need to be careful to figure out why efficiency works in one context and not the other, aside from how it affects me personally.

How to reconcile this, aka how not to be a self-serving hypocrite

Can a bank be both efficient (cheap mortgage money is good) and humane (torture me for Tuppence is bad)?

One solution it seems to me is that Antigone, and all of her customer service cohort, needs more power to use human judgment.  She should never have to spend 18 minutes with me on the phone – in addition to whatever follow-up time she spent afterwards – trying to solve a problem worth two cents to the bank.  She needed to be trusted with business judgment, which clearly nobody in her chain of command has thought to give her.  To be thwarted twice in her quest to over-ride the ‘system’ means the earthly law of systemic efficiency needs to be trumped by the higher-power law of human judgment.

I think we hate banks because for the most part we sense that there’s no over-ride of the system available for person-to-person judgment.  I’m enough of an Adam Smithian to want total bank efficiency, but I also want to avoid the absurdities of bureaucratization.

The NSA treatment

In my imaginary non-existent poll of bank customers this week – 98% of people[6] reported disappointment with their bank’s customer service.  Why is that? 

At base we suspect, rightly, that the bank couldn’t care less about us as individuals.  Furthermore, banks operate within such a highly regulated environment that their entire frame of reference is to fit customers into neatly defined market and regulatory segments. 

We don’t think of ourselves as bits of data, but the bank does, and we can’t change that. 

Which reminds me:

Among the most frightening aspects of the recent NSA phone-tracking revelations is the creeping fear that we could, any one of us, be caught up helplessly in a faceless bureaucratic nightmare.

Personally, I prefer my spies to use common sense, actual evidence, the justice system, and human judgment before choosing who to target for snooping on the phone and internet.  Apparently, however, all citizens’ private behavior can be subject to the same anonymous tracking, classification, treatment.  This doesn’t sound like a good direction for us all to go in.

Advanced efficient technology, whether for snooping or banking, has temporarily outstripped our societal ability to set up limits to the system.

The 2008 mortgage crisis also felt like it came from this same uncomfortable place of valuing the anonymous efficiency of the system.  At least a part of the Occupy Wall Street movement responded to this terrible feeling that we are just data-points, adrift in a cruel economy.[7] 

If hyper-toxic CDOs rip financial holes in our biggest banks, and 6 million people suddenly get laid off in a 2 year period, who can you appeal to?  Two million homes get foreclosed upon by robo-signing attorneys.  $80 Billion of public funds get pledged from one day to the next – to prop up systemically essential banks still paying bonuses to their employees.  The efficiency of the “system” must be preserved at all costs, but what about the basic humanity?  What about what’s ‘right’?

I don’t yet think the cruel automation of Skynet – whether in banking or the NSA – has permanently won this war.  But we’ve got to figure out a few higher laws that trump the lower-order laws of the system.  We need a new Sophocles to remind us of what’s right.

Postscript to my Tuppence Debacle with Capital One

After I’d written most of this post, a representative from Capital One Bank called me today to tell me, in a treacly voice reminiscent of Bill Lumbergh in Office Space, that he’d resolved the problem for me.  “We’re just going to go ahead and forget about that two cents, hmmMK?  It seems it was from two years ago, so even though technically it’s still owed we’re just going to go ahead and take care of it on our end, hmmMK? Is there anything else I can help you with?”

Um.  No.  You’ve been a big help already.  I refrained from telling him a less Julie Andrews version of the phrase “Go Fly A Kite.”

If you’ve got tuppence for paper and string, you can have your own set of wings, with your feet on the ground, you’re a bird in flight with your fist holding tight (da dum dum) to the strong of a kite.  Ooooh, let’s go fly a kite.


Please see related post, Another reason you hate your bank

and also related Maybe there’s hope, the Kitty called back


[1] And something similar happened to my wife trying to close a checking account with a $5 balance.  And it will happen to approximately 2.38 people nationwide in the time it takes you to read this column.  Ok I made that last number up.

[2] My managing editor (aka wife) insists I clarify at this point that while the words I used may technically have been ‘polite,’ my tone might have channeled my “extremely annoyed bond salesman” voice, which has the power to wither small plants and make children cry.  And also, she really hates it.  Ok, maybe just a little bit of Mr. Gekko returned, but really in this case mostly I stayed cool.

[3] Speaking of allowing for human judgment, this TedTalk is absolutely worth your 20 minutes on this particular topic.  When we rely on rules, algorithms and bureaucracy instead of human judgment, that way madness lies.

[4] I’m paraphrasing the Bishop’s question, but by “automating” I take him to mean introducing efficiencies and algorithms that allow different people and distinct institutions in the process to pre-screen customers, underwrite the loan, provide the capital, and service the loan, rather than do this all in one bank.

[5] I’ve frequently been both a creator as well as an investor in seller-financed mortgages – essentially a do-it-yourself mortgage between a buyer and seller of real estate that eliminates the need for a mortgage bank.  It has rarely made sense to lend at less than an 8% interest rate, and as an investor I’ve always demanded significantly higher.  That’s how I know bespoke mortgage lending is WAY pricier than the type of 2.75% rate available through ‘dehumanizing’ automation.

[6] I rounded downward to be conservative.  That’s just good scientific practice.

[7] Another part of the Occupy Wall Street movement I guess just likes camping.  On concrete.

Post read (21821) times.