Video – Intro To Business Budgeting

lift_fundHere’s an introductory video we did for LiftFund, a not-for-profit business microlender, based in San Antonio, TX. 1 LiftFund targets lending to small business owners who have otherwise not been able to get capital – or have already been turned down – from traditional banks. They offer not just loans but business training, financial education, and coaching. It’s a very cool mission that I feel good about being part of.

We did these videos for a site to be rolled out soon, called “LiftFund.” Everything’s free and meant to just get you as a first-time small business owner started with the basics of tracking your financials.

This video (and related ones to follow) walk you through the initial process of starting a small business budget.

I’ve occasionally posted other videos I’ve done for LiftFund, many of which walk you (as a small business owner) through the basics of building business financials on a spreadsheet. If you’re interested in sample spreadsheets, lots of these videos, and sample spreadsheets, are here.

Post read (116) times.

  1. Clarification – LiftFund is a not-for-profit organization, the businesses they lend to are for-profit

Video – Instructions on Bank Reconciliation

Sometimes I help produce educational materials for LiftFund, a large business micro-lender based in my hometown.

This video is for small business owners who want to know what ‘Bank Reconciliation’ involves, and why and how you probably need to do it yourself as the business owner. Hint: Bank Reconciliation has nothing to do with confessing your sins to a Catholic priest through the sacrament of reconciliation.

Post read (78) times.