Video – Intro To Business Budgeting

lift_fundHere’s an introductory video we did for LiftFund, a not-for-profit business microlender, based in San Antonio, TX. 1 LiftFund targets lending to small business owners who have otherwise not been able to get capital – or have already been turned down – from traditional banks. They offer not just loans but business training, financial education, and coaching. It’s a very cool mission that I feel good about being part of.

We did these videos for a site to be rolled out soon, called “LiftFund.” Everything’s free and meant to just get you as a first-time small business owner started with the basics of tracking your financials.

This video (and related ones to follow) walk you through the initial process of starting a small business budget.

I’ve occasionally posted other videos I’ve done for LiftFund, many of which walk you (as a small business owner) through the basics of building business financials on a spreadsheet. If you’re interested in sample spreadsheets, lots of these videos, and sample spreadsheets, are here.

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  1. Clarification – LiftFund is a not-for-profit organization, the businesses they lend to are for-profit