Book Review: The Delusions of Crowds by William Bernstein

My finance book of the year recommendation is one that perfectly matches the 2021 markets moment: William Bernstein’s The Delusions of Crowds: Why People Go Mad in Groups.

Over and over again this year I found myself describing developments in financial markets that seem, frankly, nuts. All I’ve done this year, it seems, is write about wacky finance trends. 


If Bernstein’s investing book The Four Pillars of Investing is an all-time finance classic, his 2021 book is utterly timely, anticipating a year of financial delusions.

In The Delusions of Crowds, Bernstein toggles between stories of financial delusions and religious delusions. Both types of madness depend on two common human frailties. One he describes as the “Asch Effect,” based on a social psychological experiment which showed how humans can be convinced of obviously wrong things by the social pressure to conform to the opinions of others. When the religious leader or the financial whiz says something is true, and enough people around us agree, we tend to agree, despite evidence to the contrary.

Another common thread is our ability as humans, in the face of contradictory evidence, to completely discount one set of facts if they conflict with our pre-existing beliefs. When the apocalypse does not arrive on the prophesized date, Bernstein notes, true believers do not necessarily reject the prophet. Insteaed, we listen eagerly for the prophet’s update on the next plausible date for the End of Times, rather than settle our cognitive dissonance through doubt or disbelief. Contradictory evidence is merely an opportunity to double-down on our fervent faith, not change our beliefs. The South Sea bubble, railroad stocks in 1840 Britain, the stock pools of 1929. The Fifth Monarchy of 1666, the seventh-day adventism of 1843, the Y2K mania. Bernstein does not mention the QAnon phenomenon, but clearly this recent movement falls within Bernstein’s historical pattern.

For those looking for a pure financial wisdom book, I should warn that Bernstein spends considerable time on non-financial matters. Specifically, he digs deep into the clear connection between “End Times” prophecies from past centuries and powerful Evangelical movements today. Bible-inspired numerology and prophecy has entranced people for a millennium. Bernstein makes the case that this madness not only follows historic patterns but also represents a current threat. Apocalyptic beliefs linked to what he terms dispensationalist Protestantism infuses our current politics.

Personally, I am somewhat immune to the Asch Effect. On the other hand, I tend to redouble my strongest views in the face of contrary evidence, often to my embarrassment. Which I will now demonstrate for you, in the course of reviewing the goofiest financial trends of 2021. Those trends, with caveats.

Meme Stocks

The Robinhood app and Reddit-Bro inspired investing in “Meme Stocks” like Hertz, GameStop and AMC kicked off in January 2021 with a bang. We should have known then that the entire year would be an unending string of delusions and madness. Most of these rockets have yet to fall to earth as the year ends, again not what I would have expected.

Stop The Game. Stop.

Caveat: Spotting undervalued companies unloved by institutional investors was the original plausible investment thesis behind some of these meme stocks. That’s cool but only accounted for the earliest movements toward stock appreciation, before the madness took over. 


These are closer to religion than financial bets or investments. The fundamental correct price of Bitcoin remains zero. That’s the same fundamental price as with all the other crypto currencies I’ve ever heard of. Anyway, hundreds of billions of smart investment capital disagree with me. Since approximately 2013, every time I talk to an audience of folks about investing the first question is always “should I/how can I invest in crypto?” My answer is always the same. Something to the effect of I would sooner recommend lighting one’s paper money on fire flying down the highway at 90 miles an hour. But again, I am clearly the idiot in the room. Up until now I have been wrong, wrong, and then wrong again about Bitcoin.

Kevin Roose thought he was joking at first

Caveat: I (kind of) understand blockchain technology might be the coolest tech since the invention of the selfie-stick. But cryptocurrencies are not the same as blockchain, and I will continue to disparage the former while being open to the future awesomeness of the latter.


Shall we all invest in an enterprise best described as “an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is?” That was the infamous published description of a speculative business advertised around the time of the South Sea Bubble of 1720, a phrase which equally applies to the Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) that hit maximum popularity in early 2021. 

Picture of South Sea Bubble or really any SPAC you’d like it to be

You put your money into an empty vessel and hope that the named backer finds a private company to take public through purchase. Why wouldn’t you want to put your money into an unknown business that has A-Rod, Sammy Hagar, or Kevin Durant as its backer? Note: That’s both a rhetorical and a sarcastic question.

Caveat: SPAC investors typically get an option to request their money back once an acquisition target gets announced. So, it’s a bit like a free option for the original SPAC backers.


Have people entirely lost their minds? You bought a digital thing and you value it highly because there can only be one copy (or a limited number of copies) of the digital thing? And this is worth $1 thousand or $1 million, or $50 million to you? 

Caveat: Art collecting is always insane when viewed from a finance perspective. Probably best to just leave it to aesthetics and the phrase “There is no accounting for taste.”


There are only so many times I can point out how stupid this stock has been in the past, is now in the present, and always will be in the future, for ever and ever, amen. And at each point in time, I have not only been proven wrong, but proven colossally wrong. Like, it’s the wrongest stock-picking call anyone has ever made in the history of making wrong market calls. I feel really great as Tesla shares have zoomed from a ridiculous $100 billion valuation to a ludicrous-mode $1 trillion market capitalization in less than 2 years. But still: Y’all are crazy. I feel extraordinary conviction on this.


Caveat: I understand the cars are great. I have no problem with the cars. Just the stock, and its price. And it’s bizarre owner, Elon Musk. Him I have a problem with. But again, I’m the idiot, I admit that.

The most common ending to human delusions, financial and religious, is heartbreak. In finance, however, some bubbles serve the purpose of creating the conditions for future economic innovation. After the wreckage of a burst bubble, we can often see in retrospect how the creative destruction was necessary, or at least that it seeded new growth. This will be useful to remember, when the current crazy ends in tears.

A version of this post ran in the San Antonio Express-News and Houston Chronicle.

Please see related posts:

All Bankers Anonymous Book Reviews in one place

Book Review: The Four Pillars of Investing, by William Bernstein

The NFT Revolution

Tesla – How Do I Hate Thee?

What If You Back The Wrong SPAC?

This Is Your Bitcoin Warning

Stop The Game. Stop.

Post read (834) times.

Your Bitcoin Warning

You’ve been writing me a lot lately, wondering about bitcoin. What is this technology? What is it used for? Should you get involved? 

What is the right price for bitcoin? What are its uses?

But also, what is the right price for bitcoin? Is it a buy or a sell here? As of this writing, a bitcoin costs roughly $50,000, up from $10,000 a year ago. Could it go to $200,000? That’s only 200% up from now. It’s gone up 500% in the past year. So sure, why not? $200,000 sounds great.

That’s,,,not a prediction. 

What do I think is the fundamental right price for bitcoin? I’d say, roughly, zero? I truly think zero is the fundamental correct price. But it could take a while to get there.

Now, blockchain – the innovative technology of which bitcoin is the best known example – may have real uses. I’m open to that idea. Blockchain allows for anonymous, distributed transactions which can be verified between parties that neither know nor trust each other. Theoretically, blockchain obviates the need for government regulation or third-party verification. 

Applied to money, bitcoin – using blockchain technology – theoretically allows us to remove transactions from the purview or limitations of existing financial infrastructure.

Dollars, the theory goes, involve pesky government issuers, unreliable central banks, and the meddling institutions of the existing global finance system. To its proponents bitcoin – using blockchain technology – is like money unshackled by politics, regulators, and borders. 

To be clear. I totally disagree with the need for unshackling. I think dollars are awesome. I even buy stuff and services with them! I’ve honestly never felt limited by dollars, except obviously by the amount of them that I control at any given time. By contrast, I believe bitcoins are – at their essence – useless. A useless fiction, and therefore a fraud. I prefer my fictions to be useful.

What is the real-world use of bitcoin? Bitcoin is not a useful store of value in the way that dollars are. Anything that can soar 500 percent in the past year – as Bitcoin has – can also drop 80 percent the following year. Or the following month. That makes it entirely inappropriate for “storing value.” 

Could bitcoin be delightful as a pure gamble, like buying a lottery ticket? Sure. But no sensible person advocates lottery tickets as a store of value.

The South Sea Company was created by charter in 1711 with a mandate to engage in an implausible business, in a far off place, that none of its British investors had ever seen. It was just exotic and mysterious enough to capture the whiff and elan of possibly unlimited wealth. It enjoyed the imprimatur of the government of England, and for a time legitimately traded in English government bonds. Shares began at 100 British pounds, but reached 1,000 pounds a decade later. Fortunes were destroyed shortly thereafter, when the laws of financial gravity returned. We return to this cautionary financial story over and over because – while no two bubbles are alike – history does rhyme.

South Sea Stock (log scale)

Bitcoin has all the makings of collective financial madness. Magical thinking! A difficult-to-grasp mysterious technology! Breathless media coverage of its ever-increasing price! Celebrities who might be buying it! 

Bitcoin’s only plausible real-world use cases – as a medium of exchange rather than a speculation – are tax evasion, foreign-exchange-control evasion, drug dealing, prostitution, child-pornography, assassinations, arms-dealing, illegal gambling, and ransomware for computer hackers. As I have yet to engage in any of these activities, I have yet to find an actual use for bitcoin in my own life. But your mileage may differ, no judgment.

Incidentally, bitcoin is probably not even anonymous. One of the features of the blockchain is that all transactions are infinitely traceable and reproducible. That’s the plausible key to blockchain technology’s usefulness in the future – that all transactions and counterparts create a permanent record, visible to all counterparts. 

But that feature of permanence undermines anonymity. A blockchain-sophisticated FBI should be able to see exactly who sold you bitcoin, and who in turn you sold bitcoin to. Your drug deal or tax evasion with bitcoin was not as anonymous as you thought it was after all! Haven’t you ever watched movies? This is neither business nor legal advice, but do you know what is anonymous, instead? A suitcase full of unmarked, non-sequential dollar bills.

Should you take my word for it on bitcoin? I can only warn you about my similar strong feelings in the past and how that worked out.

In the one and only market call I have ever made in this space in 7.5 years, I said Tesla was a terrible stock in 2015

It promptly quadrupled in value. So I reiterated my hatred for that stock’s price in early 2020.

My bold call clearly triggered the value of that stock to septuple over this past year. You’re welcome.

I just mention this to say, you should probably speculate in the opposite direction of whatever I advocate, including, especially, about things like bitcoin. Bitcoin is far, far, stupider than Tesla shares will ever be. Naturally, Tesla announced last month that it had speculated with its corporate cash by acquiring $1.5 billion in bitcoin. Because LOLs. And YOLO. And FOMO. 

Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s explanation for this speculation: “Bitcoin is almost as bs as fiat money. The key word is ‘almost’.”

[Ah, yes, such wisdom! What mysterious sagacity from 2021’s newest richest man in the world! Take all my money, please, you carnival-barking promoter of fictions!]

Bitcoin – Also not a very efficient use of power!

Never underestimate the power of greed and magical thinking to keep things irrational longer than you can stay solvent. Welcome to the monkey house.

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts like to point out that traditional “fiat” money like dollars, unmoored from a metallic base like silver or gold, is based on a collective fiction. In that sense, would-be sophisticates (and Musk) argue, the collective fiction of bitcoin is no worse than dollars. 

Rai Stones. Better than gold?

Gold is also a collective fiction, albeit one a few thousand years old. Shells have made for a collective fiction in the past. The rai stones of Micronesia were a collective fiction. What even is money?

US dollars are also a collective fiction, except for the true fact that my government demands, and accepts, dollars for taxes. As far as I can tell, this is the basis for fundamental value in a currency. What my government accepts in taxes.

A convenient currency is more useful than barter. My local, state and federal governments do not currently accept extremely well-reasoned and delightfully funny finance writing as a means of discharging my tax obligations. I need to first convert finance columns to dollars, which my government then does accept.

When President Elon Musk declares in 2028 that we can and must make tax payments in bitcoin, then – and only then – will I agree that bitcoin has any fundamental value. It may well go to $200,000 (and beyond!) for all I know in the meantime. Unless and until Musk runs for President, I expect a zero value future for this particular collective fiction.

A version of this post ran in the San Antonio Express News.

Please see related posts:

Tesla is awful (January 2020 edition)

Tesla is not going to make it (2015 edition)

Hater’s Guide To Tesla (August 2020)

Never Buy Gold

Never Buy Timeshares

Never Buy A Variable Annuity

Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Bullocks

Post read (351) times.

Hater’s Guide To Tesla

With Tesla announcing plans to build a manufacturing plant in Central Texas – and with the possibility of company headquarters arriving as well – many in this state will rejoice. Not me. 

Tesla is the worst. And Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO? He’s awful too. My hatred for both the company and the CEO burns inside me with the heat of ten thousand SpaceX rocket launches. 

My reasons for rage range from the profound to the petty. I’ll list them in that order. Tesla, how do I hate thee? Let me count the ways.

  1. Taxpayer Subsidy for Private Enterprise

Del Valle ISD offered $46.4 million in tax breaks for the privilege of hosting Tesla’s new manufacturing facility. Travis County commissioners approved other goodies, for an announced total package of $60 million. Will the state’s Texas Enterprise Fund be far behind in offering public subsidy for private enterprise? 

In return, Tesla plans to employ 5,000 workers at a salary of $35,000 per year. In other words, poverty wages for a family of 6. And this was celebrated by Governor Abbot and other Texas leaders? But see, it’s already obvious Tesla moved here precisely because they could pay their workers $35,000 a year! We shouldn’t have to pay Tesla an additional $60 million dollars in public subsidy for the thing they planned to do already.

And anyway, why does a CEO with an estimated net worth of $70 billion demand to take money from Del Valle public school kids – 85 percent of whom are economically disadvantaged – for his company’s bottom line? Because he can. Because there is no shame anymore in late stage capitalism, as practiced by Elon Musk.

Thanks Mr. Musk! Please sir, may I have another?

  1. Electric Vehicle Subsidies

A debate rages over the past four quarters whether Tesla is profitable over the past year, or whether it is still losing money at this time. What is not debatable is that the only way the firm can report a profit is because – for regulatory reasons – other car manufacturers are forced to purchase “regulatory credits” from Tesla. Because other companies do not produce enough electric cars in their fleet, according to federal government regulations. Tesla booked $782 million in payments from traditional auto manufacturers in the first half of the year. Tesla reported a profit of $16 million in Q1 and $104 million in Q2 2020, meaning it would show a loss without the “regulatory credits” forcibly paid by its competitors. 

Tesla’s entire business model to date has been built on government subsidies. From the $1.2 billion to build a battery plant in Reno, to the $7,500 EV car purchaser credits (now phased out for Tesla.) Without them, they’ve never been profitable. Can we stop publicly subsidizing a $270 billion market cap company, please? Again, something about capitalism has broken here.

  1. Accounting Shenanigans
Elon Shrugged

Fundamental investor David Einhorn of Greenlight Capital wrote a scathing analysis in his August 4th quarterly investment letter about Tesla’s accounting practices in 2020. All but accusing the firm, and Musk, of fraud, Einhorn writes: 

“We question whether TSLA’s accounting, which does not appear to correspond to the creation of regulatory credits through auto sales, transfers of those credits to a counterparty nor payment for those credits, conforms to GAAP accounting.”

The bottom line from Einhorn is he thinks Tesla is cheating, in order to show a technical profit for 4 quarters in a row, which will allow the firm to be included in the S&P 500 index. “Through what appears to be sheer abuse of the accounting rules, TSLA has now contrived reported profits to make it technically eligible [for S&P 500 inclusion].”

 Einhorn goes on to predict Tesla’s future crash along the same trajectory of the June 2020 catastrophic fraud of WireCard (WDI) following its inclusion on the German stock exchange (DAX) “As with WDI and the DAX, we expect the TSLA parabola to end around the speculated inclusion in the prestigious S&P 500 Index.”

  1. Stock Valuation 

I’ve made exactly one forward-looking “market call” on an individual stock in my 6 years of writing a newspaper column. I wrote about Tesla in 2015 as a company “I’m reasonably certain will be dead in five years, despite its $25 billion market cap.”  

Ha-ha the joke’s on me, because I revisited that call in January 2020, to point out that its growth to a $100 billion market cap was even more ridiculous. 

A mere half-year later, the stock switched into ludicrous mode (probably as a direct result of karma from my once-only-ever market call.) The company is now valued at $270 billion. Keep in mind this nearly tripling in value happened amidst a global recession and pandemic. The lesson, as always: I am an idiot. I burn with special hatred for Tesla specifically for making a mockery of my considerable investment skills and business acumen.

  1. Tweets 

CEO Musk uses Twitter all day long for lying, bullying, distracting, and constant salesmanship. 

When criticized for his PR stunt regarding kids stuck in a cave in Thailand in 2018, Musk replied to the critic over Twitter with unsubstantiated slander: “Sorry pedo guy you really did ask for it.” 1

In the face of critics who pointed out the precarious financial position of Tesla in 2018, Musk lied about a taking-Tesla-private deal “Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding Secured.”

Lying, bullying, and distracting over Twitter doesn’t make Musk unique among leaders in the world in 2020. But Musk’s style reminds me of the unquenchable narcissism of another lying, bullying, distracting salesman who has an important job to do but who nevertheless chooses to spend his day on Twitter. 

  1. Cars. 

I hate cars. I get it, people like Teslas. They look cool and they zoom fast. Wearing my personal finance hat, I have tried my best to convince my children (and anyone else who will listen) that paying a premium for a cool car makes as much sense financially as paying a hefty premium for a cool washing machine and dishwasher. They are all just rapidly depreciating metal and plastic consumer goods. (To be clear, I mean cars and household machines, not my children.) 

Cars are a bad use of your money. They shouldn’t be cool. Harumph.

7. His Name

“Elon Musk.” Even his name. It sounds like a brand of splash cologne you get for 3 quarters inserted into the gas station lavatory vending machine. Just a few notches in quality below “Axe” fragrance. I’m sorry. My disgust stacks up on itself. If Tesla and Musk were a supper plate, for me they would be black olives and anchovies, garnishing a plate of pan-seared liver. My senses reel with disgust. 

Am I being petty? Yes, you’re damn right I am. I’m so Tom Petty right now that I’m Free Fallin’ and I Won’t Back Down.

A version of this ran in the San Antonio Express News.

Please see related posts:

Sin Investing (and my 2015 market call on TSLA)

Tesla as an example of difference between Castle in the Sky and Fundamental investing

Tesla is Stupid (But, it turns out, I am stupider)

Post read (4423) times.

  1. He later deleted this one from Twitter

Tesla Stock – Zoom Zoom

NOTE: This post ran in the newspaper in February 2020, but for completionists’ sake I’m posting it now, to accompany yet another “I hate Tesla” post that follows.

You know that feeling when you’re driving through a city downtown in your brand-new Tesla, and a long series of traffic lights turn green, block by block, all in a row, just as you approach, and you think to yourself “Yes! Finally, my magic powers have come in!” 

That is just how I feel about my TSLA market prognostication in my post in late January, except my magic works in the complete opposite direction. It’s as if by calling for TSLA shares to fall, I personally managed to push the stock to new, previously unimagined heights. It’s quite a power I apparently possess.

Between my anti-Tesla stock January 26th column and last night’s close (2 week’s later) the stock has soared from 564.82 to 734.7, a gain of 30%. 1


The company value as measured by market capitalization has jumped from 100 billion to 132 billion in less than two weeks. Year-to-date, the stock is up 75% as of last night, and briefly closed up 100% on the year. This is…insane. 2

If we could bottle up my magic skill in market picking – you just invest the exact opposite way from what I call – then we could all be retired billionaire investors by this time next year. 

But the price action also provides another great opportunity for reviewing important stock market investments concepts. Like short selling. The madness of crowds. Castles in the air. And investment luminaries like John Maynard Keynes and Burton Malkiel. 

Early 20th century economist John Maynard Keynes gets credit for stating that “the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” He also famously described that the point of investing was not so much to decide what you think something is worth, but rather what other people in a crowd will think something is worth in the future.

In Burton Malkiel’s excellent book A Random Walk Down Wall Street Malkiel explains two distinct ways to value stocks: the “fundamental value” method and the “castle in the air” method. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Warren Buffet is our modern champion for valuing stocks on a fundamental basis. Depending on how you interpret Tesla’s January 29th earnings announcement and to what accounting regime you ascribe, Tesla just reported its first annual profit, or just barely missed. In any case, it’s close to profitable for the first time in ten years. Applied to the Tesla situation, we know that fundamental value analysis cannot apply, however, relying as it does on tracking a consistent pattern of profits and the reasonable expectation that profit will continue into the future. 

By contrast, the castle in the air theory of stocks says that the most important thing to know about a stock is what other people think of it. This method relies on the wisdom (or madness) of crowds. Stock markets trade on future expectations. It isn’t necessary for a stock to be profitable now, but rather it is necessary for sufficient numbers of other people to think it will be profitable in the future. As long as enough other people believe in the future of a stock, it is a perfectly fine investment practice to build a castle in the air. 

Anyway. Obviously Tesla is a castle in the air stock. We should drive one mile further along this racetrack, however, to understand the crazy last week of the stock, and it’s crazy price action so far in 2020.

The key thing to know to explain the price action is that Tesla is the most shorted large stock in the market. Shorting means that investors – typically hedge funds and brokerage companies – have sold the stock without owning it, on the expectation that the stock will go down in the medium term. If it does go down, those same investors can buy back shares at a lower price to close out their position. They profit by selling high first, then buying low later, and pocketing the difference.

Shorting Tesla has always made fundamental sense because the darn company has never reported an annual profit – at least until, arguably, January 29th this year. 

Shorting a stock that goes up, however, causes losses. If you sell a stock at 100, only to watch it go to 130, you’ve suffered a loss of $30 per share. Also, whereas buying a stock has limited downside, shorting can lead to unlimited losses. If you buy a stock at $100 that goes to zero, you’ve lost 100 per share. It’s a loss, but one that’s capped. at $100 per share. If you short a stock at $100, what if it then goes to $1,000? You’ve lost $900 per share. If it keeps going up beyond that, you have the possibility of infinite losses. 

This is all background to explain the price action of Tesla in recent weeks. Large institutional fundamental value investors have long hated Tesla. With good reason! But they have to operate in a castle in the air world. Traders at banks and hedge funds always have risk limits and they also always have managers. At a certain point, managers look at a losing short position and tap the trader on the shoulder. “Sorry buddy, you may be right in the long run, but you need to shrink that position or close it out entirely.” The result is forced buying to close the short position, just as the stock is rising. 

The reluctant hedge fund trader buys the stock at a high price, locking in the loss. The forced buying in turn creates a vicious cycle of higher prices, and more forced buying from others. This disequilibrium lasts until the shorts are sufficiently at a neutral risk position, or metaphorically squeezed, dead, or fired.

In this way, a short squeeze is the inverse of the kind of forced selling we last saw in the broad stock market between September 2008 and March 2009. Many institutional investors – like brokerages and hedge funds – didn’t want to sell stocks on a fundamental basis at that time. But the risk managers came along, saw the falling prices, and tapped the traders on the shoulder. “Sorry, buddy, you need to unload all of your positions by Friday. Also, you’re fired.”

Evil genius and Tesla CEO Elon Musk knows all about the short sellers who doubted his company. He taunted them last Summer. He promised on Twitter the “burn of the century” for Tesla short sellers.

He then mailed a package of “short-shorts” to famous fundamental value hedge fund investor David Einhorn of Greenlight Capital, who had bet against Tesla stock through short-selling.

In  this investment battle between castle in the air and fundamental value, Musk has crushed his competitors, stolen their sheep, and salted their land.

A final reminder of the most important lesson of all. Never invest in individual stocks, or forecast their direction. You might not be as bad as me, but you’re probably not as good at it as you think you are.

A version of this post ran in the San Antonio Express-News

Please see related posts

I hate Tesla

Sin Investing Can Be Good (and also, Tesla is bad)

Book Review: A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel

Post read (229) times.

  1. This stock tracking from newspaper columns 2 weeks apart is quite quaint, given what happened subsequently
  2. Haha the “insane” joke is on me because it blew through $300 billion market cap within a few months.

I Hate Tesla

The most important rule for writing a business blog – at least my most inviolate rule – is to never, ever, forecast or make “market calls,” on individual stocks. I have broken this rule only once in my 5.5 years. It’s time to break my rule again. On the same damn stock.

I slather this self-rebellion in thick layers of irony. But irony with a purpose!

Some background. I last tucked my only-ever individual-stock forecast into a post in March 2015.

The point of that 2015 post was to highlight – in my contrarian way – the unpleasant fact that “sin-investing,” especially in a nasty tobacco company like Altria has been extraordinarily profitable over the past 40 years. 

But that wasn’t my stock forecast. Instead, I contrasted MO with green-tech market darling Tesla the sexy electric-car company that combines virtue-signalling for reducing your carbon footprint with 0-to-60 acceleration in 1.9 seconds.

I wrote the following about Tesla in March 2015: 

“Tesla Motors, to name one public company that I’m reasonably certain will be dead in five years, despite its $25 billion market cap, is an innovative company. But that doesn’t make it a good stock to own.” Then, to further metaphorically point to the bleacher seats while stepping into the batter’s box for my inevitable home run, I wrote “Would a few people mark their calendars for five years on Tesla and let me know how I did with my call? Because I AM SO RIGHT.”

Anyway, time flies. It’s five years later.

I’ll save you the hassle and let you know that Tesla stock is up 182% since then, from $200 per share at the time of my home-run call to $565 per share as I write this. The market cap has expanded from $25 billion to $102 billion. It’s up 35% just this year. Tesla will announce 4th quarter 2109 results on Wednesday January 29th.

screenshot from January 22 2020

Having broken my inviolate rule five years ago of never forecasting a stock in a column, it is only right and just that I have both my hypocrisy and terrible market call publicly mocked.

But that’s not the main lesson you should take away from this shameful episode. The main lesson is that you, too, should never forecast individual stocks. You will be emotionally invested in a way that hurts your chances of building wealth. You will buy, or sell, that stock too frequently. You will let fear and then greed cloud your judgment. You will look up that stock price exactly at the moment when you should be admiring your daughter’s ballet recital. (How many times do I have to tell you to put your phone down?) You will read headlines that confirm your preconceived biases and you will discount headlines that contradict them. You can guess how I know all of these accurate things about you.

Beyond the emotional reasons, you should avoid forecasting because you will also be wrong. You will even be wrong for all the right reasons. Like me.

Like, Tesla, by all rational analysis, has always been a stupid stock. It’s been overvalued forever. But as the Wall Street phrase goes, “the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.”

I was correct about Tesla then, and I’m still even more correct, damnit! I will now double-down on all of my errors.

Unlike, say, software technology companies that enjoy infinite scalability, building an auto-manufacturer is highly expensive to scale. It takes cash. Tesla has burned billions in cash to build manufacturing plants in Nevada and Shanghai. The competition from other auto companies is intense and global. Regulation is massive. Innovation, for which Tesla is known, is expensive to implement. The company has nearly run out of money more than once in the past five years, even by the admission of their CEO/Evangelist Elon Musk. 

One of his dumbest, and the one that got him fined by the SEC.

And then there’s Musk himself. Ugh. As clearly brilliant and visionary as he is, he can’t stop himself from tweeting nonsense, earning rebukes and $40 million fines from the SEC, and lawsuits from fights he picks unnecessarily. He also employs his knack for distracting the media to change the subject, whenever they attempt to ask about Tesla’s lack of profit. 

Oh yeah, and about that profit. Tesla has never turned an annual profit in nearly ten years as a public company.

A master-distractor from the missing profits

Tesla’s market cap at $102 billion is larger than car companies Ford and General Motors combined. In fact, let’s compare those companies to Tesla. Ford sold 5.9 million vehicles in 2018, for a profit of $3.8 billion. General Motors sold 8.4 million vehicles in 2018, or a profit of $1.9 billion. Tesla, which has never turned an annual profit, sold 367,500 cars in 2019. 

Tesla has sold 891 thousand vehicles in its entire history. Total. In other words, Ford and General Motors sell more cars in any given month than Tesla has ever sold. I could go on, but you get the idea. Tesla is a stock that mostly exists in our collective imaginations.

It turns out, Wall Street pros mostly agree with me about Tesla. It is the most “shorted” large stock on the US stock market, meaning sophisticated investors have bet against the share price, finding it as absurd as I do.

One of Musk’s most recent distractions

Shorting means hedge funds have sold shares at current prices in anticipation of buying back shares when they drop in the future. Shorting Tesla has been, as you can imagine, one of the most spectacularly unprofitable trades of the past few months. 

Some people never learn. Like me and like you, the pros also shouldn’t be forecasting individual stocks.

Incidentally, I have no individual positions in any stock so nothing to disclose about conflicts of interest writing about Tesla.  Index funds all the way, baby!

A version of this post ran in the San Antonio Express News.

Please see related post: 

Sin Investing (and a mention of TSLA)

Post read (747) times.