Inequality – in particular the growth of the super-rich – is a topic that should be better understood than it is.
Earlier in the year I reviewed the interesting book Plutocrats – The Rise of the New Global Super Rich by Chrystia Freeland.
If you prefer your knowledge in 15 minute video form rather than 300+ book pages, she offers a reasonably comprehensive summary of her book in this Ted talk from June 2013.
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2 Replies to “Plutocrats Video – TED talk by Chrystia Freeland”
Interesting reminder that Pluto is the ancient Greek god of the underworld, the god of avarice.
Salman Rushdie’s 1983 book “Shame” is an allegory of how experiences of unruminated shame harden into the causes of destruction of any life whose motives are not continuously reconsidered. Does that imply that short periods of shame, fluid emotions, can be socially healthy whereas long periods of shame invariably precipitate untold human misery? If it were true that plutocrats know what they are doing then life on earth would have been a paradise ever since the days of Croesus.