Book Review: An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments by Ali Almossawi

An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments
An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments

We are inundated all day by opinions of friends, family members, frenemies, colleagues, bosses, television commentators, newspaper columnists, radio hosts, political leaders, and ex-banker bloggers all making more or less ridiculous arguments in favor of their worldview.

We may frequently sense that they’re wrong, but we can’t quite put our finger on the flaw in their argument.

What a delight to discover a book to help categorize all the ways in which we all get it wrong, in the online-only An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments, by Ali Almossawi.

I gather from his Preface to the book and his website that he’s a computer programmer, and that he works for the folks who make the Firefox internet browser.

The brilliant trick Almossawi accomplishes – via clever illustrations and a pithy style – is to invite the unsuspecting and easily-distracted into reading a pretty serious critique of illogical thinking.  As he writes in the Preface, a good way to improve is to look at bad examples of the thing you’re trying to do.  In his review of bad arguments, we can see more clearly mistakes we and others make.

Take an hour to read it.  You may find yourself taking notes and vowing to think and reason a little more clearly.

An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments, by Ali Almossawi

For the really easily distracted, here’s an even pithier list of Almossawi’s bad arguments, for which he provides good examples and clever pictures:

Argument from Consequences – appealing to wishes or fears, without due consideration of the logic of the argument

Straw Man – Exaggerating someone else’s claim in order to ridicule or dismiss

Appeal to Irrelevant Authority – Trusting the wrong source of authority

Equivocation – Changing the meaning of a word in the middle of an argument

False Dilemma – Creating only two possibilities to choose from, when in fact there are more than two choices

Not a Cause for a Cause – Connecting non-causally related events

Appeal to Fear – Similar to Slippery Slope, and possibly False Dilemma

Hasty Generalization – Too little data or sample size to make conclusions

Appeal to ignorance – No evidence for opposite view, therefore positive view of argument, ignoring burden of proof problem

No True Scotsman – General but unproved/unprovable claim about a category of things

Genetic Fallacy – Argument devalued or defended because of its history or origins

Guilt by Association – Linking argument to some unappealing association, or sharing an attribute with another group that is to be avoided

Affirming the Consequent – Using the false logic of “If A then C.  Observing C, then A.”  In other words, the wrong direction of causality

Appeal to Hypocracy – Countering a charge with a charge that is not logically connected

Slippery Slope – Saying acceptance will lead to a sequence of events.  Related to Appeal to Fear, False Dilemma, Argument from Consequences

Appeal to Bandwagon – “All the cool kids” are doing something

Ad Hominem – Attack the person’s character

Circular Reasoning – Assume the conclusion in one or more premises

Composition & Division – Composition – the argument that a whole must have attributes because its parts have that attribute; and Division – the smaller part will take on the characteristics of the whole


Please also see related post: All Bankers Anonymous Book Reviews in one place!

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One Reply to “Book Review: An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments by Ali Almossawi”

  1. Great little e-Book. It reminds me of my first philosophy class, Principles of Thinking. Wiki has a nice list of fallacies and biases (which seem to correlate with each other). For me the challenge is shifting my focus mid-way during a discussion…hmmm, which fallacy is he using right now…and still being able to concentrate on the actual discussion. However, I do notice that people who are excessively fallacious tend to have their favorites; the most common one I see is the straw man.

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I founded Bankers Anonymous because, as a recovering banker, I believe that the gap between the financial world as I know it and the public discourse about finance is more than just a problem for a family trying to balance their checkbook, or politicians trying to score points over next year’s budget – it is a weakness of our civil society. For reals. It’s also really fun for me.

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